Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why I am Choosing Integrative Health Care

When I worked at Life Time Fitness I went through their nutrition coaching program to become the coach for our club.  I am so grateful that I did, because I learned so much and really found my passion for nutrition.  Actually, I am going to be getting another nutrition certification in the fall so I will be able to offer more in terms of nutrition programs to my clients and potential new clients.  But, back to my point about nutrition.  If you remember last month I posted about being at a plateau that I couldn't figure out.  Well, I am still dealing with it and I also have been gaining belly fat for no reason.  My eating has been clean and my workouts consistent.  In my nutrition coach training I learned that weight loss is more than just calories in and calories out. Our bodies are very complex and we have hormones and other functions that can be disrupted by the foods that we eat and the toxins that we are exposed to.  I also learned about blood testing and how through blood work a medical professional is able to get a better picture of a persons whole health.  So, I decided to seek out holistic care.  I was given a referral to an integrative health care practice (turned out they are covered by my insurance) and I had my appointment yesterday.

It was an awesome experience and I am so glad that I went.  I was informed about the type of care they offer and as the PA was talking I was nodding my head knowing that I had found the right place.  She said that they offer traditional medicine when needed, but mostly practice holistic medicine and seek to find the cause of the symptoms and treat them naturally with supplement and nutrition...ding, ding, ding!  She listened to me and explained what the next steps would be.  She even told me a few things she thought it could be, but wanted to have my blood work before making any decisions.  So there at the clinic I had my blood drawn and made my appointment for 2 weeks to go over the results and make a plan of action.  I am so excited to go back for my results.  Until then, I am still going to keep eating clean and working out.  I will let you know when I find out the results.

I am sharing this with you in hopes that you will seek this kind of care when you know that there is something off with you.  Don't just go to a doctor that will throw a scrip at you and send you on your way.  Unfortunately this is the way "health care" is done here most of the time.  It is more like "sick care".  No one ever really addresses the real issues that are causing the problems and instead of looking at diet or possible food allergies/aversions or looking at your full panel blood work, they treat the symptoms.

I am reading a book right now that talks about how food affects your brain chemistry, your gut function and even how you feel on a daily basis.  If you are eating foods that make you feel less than your best daily, you may not even know how "your best self" feels.  Take a look at what you are eating and decide if it can be the cause of some of your health issues.  I will write more on this topic later when I am done with the book and have done the 10 day elimination/whole body reset diet.

I truly urge you to rethink traditional medicine and how the food you eats affects your whole body.  If you feel that you are having health issues search the Internet for integrative health care practices and call until you find one that your insurance covers.  Feel free to contact me with any questions, I would be happy to help in any way.

Have a healthy and fit day, 




  1. I LOVE this! Congratulations on your journey towards holistic health! I am so excited for you. I also belong to a holistic wellness clinic and it has been an amazing experience - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Best of luck to you!!

    1. Thanks Jenn! I am really excited for it! I know that it is going to give me exactly what I need to reach my optimum level of health. I want to feel amazing so I can be at my best. I love that you have had the same experience, and I hope that more people go this way with their health care.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Such good motivation to seek out holistic healthcare!

    1. Ursula, it is! I can't wait to find out the results and my plan going forward!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love this! I think this stuff is just so cool! I agree with you 100%. While I believe in Western Medicine, I am not found of our system. My son hasn't been to the doctor in almost two years and youngest in a year. Sure, we get sick but we don't run to the doctor. I just understand the need to run there for every little thing. I am responsible with my children and take them in with unexplained symptoms and when I need to rule out major illness that require med... but I know my children and we just aren't a "medical" family. We don't get every vax for the kids either and never the flu shot. And I think the poor food choices we make as our society are absolutely the cause for chronic diseases. Right on sister!

    1. Thanks Lindsey! It is a balance between the two! I feel like it is important to take care of your body with food and exercise. I totally agree with you about running to the doctor. The poor food choices and the processed food industry are making us all sick, unhealthy and addicted to the processed foods. It is scary to think that they do to that food. I am excited to do the 10 day elimination diet and get off processed foods for good! Time for a reset!
