Friday, March 27, 2015

15 Minute Fat Blasting HIIT Workout

When you are short on time but still want to get a great workout in HIIT circuits can be your best friend...fat blasting best friend that is!  I like to add these kinds of workouts on the days that I am just doing cardio.  Since I am in the process of training for a 5k I am spending more time on a treadmill than usual.  On the days I just have to get my 30 minute run in I will add this on the end to really blast some fat and work on my endurance.  I notice that when I do short, but fast paced HIIT workouts regularly my endurance improves.  Plus, our bodies naturally crave homeostasis (no change) so when we are trying to lose weight our body quickly adapts to what we are doing, it is just a way to keep up alive!  Our bodies don't know short season is fast approaching and we are trying to shed the winter weight (even though I tell it daily!).  I try to fight the plateau by constantly changing up my workouts. 

My schedule recently has been as follows:
Monday- chest, arms and my 30 minute Couch 2 5k training plan
Tuesday- walk on the treadmill- 60 minutes steady state
Wednesday- back, shoulders and abs and my 30 minute C25K plan
Thurs- rest
Friday- C25k plan & HIIT workout
Saturday- legs and a short treadmill walk at an incline
Sunday- rest

Here is one of the HIIT workouts that I have been doing:
Plank Jacks
Squat to Shoulder Press
Fast Feet
Lunge with Bicep Curl
Jump Squats

I will do all 5 exercises consecutively 20 seconds of work then 10 seconds of rest.  At the end of the round I will rest for 1 minute before repeating the circuit 3 more times for a total of 4 times.  This should take about 15 minutes total.  I use my GymBoss interval timer and love it!  It is an easy way to time my intervals of work and rest.  Here is an image you can pin to save this workout for later.  I love going to my Pinterest Working On My Fitness Board when I need to find some new moves or a new workout.

After you finish the workout and are all sweaty, have a post workout shake then come back and tell me what you thought of the workout.  Happy Fitness Friday!

What tricks or workouts do you do to beat a plateau?

Do you have a workout schedule?

Today I am linking up with Nicole at Fitful Focus, Jen at Pretty Little Grub, Fitting It All In, and Running 4 Cupcakes. 


  1. I need to really start working in workouts like this! Right now I run 3 days per week and one 75 minute yoga class :) Have a great weekend!

    1. It is great to change it up with these kinds of workouts! Thanks for stopping by Mary Beth!

  2. I need to try this! I have been doing HIIT workouts on the treadmill but they are so boring.

    1. Haha, I get bored with the treadmill too, but sometimes it feels good to get some interval sprints in too!

  3. My coach has me do HIIT workouts and she always mixes it up for me. I don't think I could be that creative on my own.
