
Monday, October 7, 2013

Motivational Monday + One hour HIIT workout

Good Monday Morning Fitness Friends!  I hope that you had a great week and weekend.  I did!  Last week was fun, I did a lot of activities and spent some quality time with little A.  My hubby and I also had a date night with some friends and we ended up dancing which was a lot of fun!  I also took a rest week from working out, if you read my post on Wednesday you know how I was feeling last week.  I also took a few days off from the blog world to rest my mind and come back refreshed.  Sometimes it is good to take a break, as even too much of a good thing can be too much (unless it's chocolate!).  I feel that after giving myself a break, I am ready to get back to my fitness loves...working out and blogging.  How was your week and weekend?  

Here is my plan for this week:
Monday- Ripped in 30 workout, kickboxing, arms
Tuesday- Ripped in 30 workout, kickboxing abs
Wednesday- Ripped in 30, interval sprints on treadmill, back & shoulders
Thursday- Ripped in 30, kickboxing abs
Friday- Ripped in 30, legs
Saturday- Ripped in 30, kickboxing
Sunday- Rest!

My sister is getting back in her routine this week too, so we are going to keep each other accountable and on track.  I also have 3 clients that I will be working with this week, so I am excited for that!  That is one of the things I miss about training regularly, working with my clients.  I am looking forward to a great week, getting back to my normal eating and working out habits, training some clients and writing some great posts.  What are your plans for the week?

Here is a one hour workout that you can fit into your day!  You should be sweaty and feel like you kicked butt when you are done.

Circuit #1- Repeat 3x through then move to circuit #2
mountain climbers- 30 seconds
bicycle crunches- 30 seconds
pushups- 20 reps
curtsey lunges- 10 each side
* 1 min sprint on treadmill @ 6.0 mph

Circuit #2- Repeat 3x through then move to circuit #3
jumping jacks- 30 seconds
squats- 20 reps
side plank with rotation- 10 each side
jump squats- 2- reps
 * 1 min sprint on treadmill @ 6.0 mph

Circuit #3- Repeat 3x through
side lunge to a hop- 10 each side
burpees- 10
plank hold- 30 seconds
wall sit hold- 30 seconds
* 1 min sprint on treadmill @ 6.0 mph

I hope that you have a wonderful week planned!  

Do you give yourself a break when you need it?  

What is on your workout or meal plan this week?


  1. Awesome week girl! My plan is to continue training, lightening up on the crosstraining through taper time before the marathon!
