
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Getting Back in the Right Mindset + October Goals

Good Wednesday Afternoon, I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous day!  Today has been fun so far and I am looking forward to the rest of the day.  We had Kindermusik this morning, met with Joe for a few (Ariana sure loves her daddy), went shopping and I finally got Ariana her Halloween costume (pics later).  I also had a few great adult conversations today, a mom at Kindermusik and I had a nice chat before class, and I ran into a friend at Target.  Later today we are meeting my sister for lunch and then while Joe is at the hockey game (Go Wings!) my friend is coming to hang out.  It is the perfect day to pull me out of the funk I have been in the past two days.  I am not sure if I was just still tired from the long weekend and Ariana not sleeping well or that I was dealing with the mental switch to and then off the IIFYM plan. 

Have you ever been in that place where you just don't feel like doing anything and working out is the last thing on your mind?  That is how I was feeling Monday and yesterday.  I can't really decide exactly what was going on, but my mind and heart were just not there.  I did workout, just 20 minutes with Jillian Michaels for the Ripped in 30 workout, but I couldn't push myself to do more than that, which is unlike me.  So I just decided to stop thinking about it so much and just let it go.  I was reading through my Bloglovin feed and came across The Workout Mama and Tamara's post about needing Jesus.  It was simple and very beautifully written and made me change my mindset about all the things that were swirling around in my head.  I decided to stop worrying so much about what I was doing with my fitness goals and nutrition plan and realize that I need to just live in each moment and create balance in my life.  I want to live healthy every day and for me that means, eating the right healthy foods most of the time, allowing myself a dessert or glass of wine when I want it, working out daily (one rest or yoga day), spending time with Ariana (doing 1:1 activities or sitting and playing, spending time with my husband, reading, cooking, blogging and finding time everyday to pray and be thankful for all of my blessings.  What does a healthy life look like for you?

With that I decided to create some October Goals for myself, some fitness related, some not and share them with you.  I hope that you decide to do the same, and I would love to know what yours are.

1) Do at least 2 art projects a week with Ariana.  Thank goodness for Pinterest, I am going to load up my board with stuff to do!

2) Listen to my body.  If I am hungry I will eat, if I am tired I will go to bed, if I need a rest day I will take it.  I will also work to push myself just a little harder in my workouts.

3) Read 2 books.  One fiction and one non-fiction.  Any good suggestions would be appreciated!

4) Walk outside once a day with Ariana and talk about what we see.

5) Spend some time with just me and the hubby after Ariana goes to bed, doing something other than just watching tv.

6) Go to Church!  This will be hard with a toddler, but I might try a mass during the week when it isn't quite as busy.

7) Do more yoga!  I miss my weekly yoga practice and I would like to get back to it.

8) Read more of the blogs in my bloglovin feed and make more blogger connections.  I got a great idea from a fellow SPA sister and blogger and I am going to post it later this week or next.

9) Take time to just sit and be.

10) Cook more meals at home!  I love to cook, its the cleaning up that I don't love.  I am going to try and cook more meals at home, this way Joe will also have more meals to have at work.

Well this is my list!  I am going to reflect next month and see how I did.  Now it is your turn, what goals are you working on for this month, fitness and non-fitness related?  Share with me...I would love to hear!

P.S.  I had a tall Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha (iced, non-fat no whip) today and I enjoyed every sip!  What is your favorite fall drink?

P.P.S.  I made the Clean Eating butternut squash soup yesterday and it was delicious!  If you haven't tried it yet, you must! 


  1. What a great blog today. I loved reading every word. As you know, I have down days too. What gets me through is praying and thanking God every step of the way. I truly feel on the days I make myself go run, I can feel him pushing me every step I take. You are never alone as He is always there to motivate you when you don't feel like it. Stay close to God and strengthen your relationship with him as I really believe this is what got me out of my funk and definitely got me through some really hard and scary days for me.

    LOVE your goals!! This inspires me to make some myself. I know that with all the things going on in life, we forget about the small things.. like how lucky we are to wake up and just breathe. Or just enjoy a walk, read a book, cook if we want too. thanks for your post today!! xoxo!!!

    1. Thanks Nikole!! What kind words. It is true that He is always there for us even when we forget, He finds a way to remind us. I am ever so grateful that He put you in my life, you are an amazing woman and friend.

      Thanks! Let me know what yours are! We are so lucky in these amazing lives we have. Thanks for all your support!

  2. Great Post!! I struggle with the life balance as well almost constantly! Maybe we could incorporate some art projects into our playdates too, they would have fun creating things together!

    1. Thanks Laura! It is hard doing all the things we have to do as mommies. It helps having a great friend like you to talk to about it all! And our girls love to play together, I hope they grow up friends! That sounds like a great idea, they would love that!

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