
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Guest Post from Beautiful to the Core blogger Stephanie- Favorite Fitness Wear

Good Wednesday Morning!  I hope that you are having a wonderful week so far.  Mine has been going really well, I have been getting my workouts in and today I have 3 clients.  I really enjoy 1:1 training and I am looking forward to my sessions.  I also get to write some workouts, which you know I love to do!  Tonight for dinner I am making a lasagna for Joe and little A to eat while I am training my clients.  I am excited to have Stephanie here from Beautiful to the Core with her guest post about her favorite fitness finds.  After you read her awesome post stop by her blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and give her some social media love!  Thanks again to Stephanie for stopping by today.    

B2C title

 Hello On Fire Fitness readers, I am Stephanie and I am a Health & Fitness blogger from Scottsdale, Arizona. Today I am honored to write a post for Angelena regarding my Favorite Fitness Wear. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Pilates Instructor, and Bikini Competitor I am in Fitness clothes all the time. Probably too much! So I have tried many many different brands of fitness clothing: from Adidas to Nike, Lululemon to Lucy, Reebok to New Balance, name it! So when it comes to shopping for the right athletic wear, I am YOUR GIRL! I have put together some of my favorite tops, bottoms, and shoes that I own. Instead of just posting links to items I like I wanted to share with you what I have in my own closet. Because it is proof that they are the best quality, best prices, and most comfortable clothing since I wear them daily. So let's start with my favorite tops...  

B2C Tops
 1) Flex Till You're Famous is one of my favorite companies for tops. Their prices are usually $20/tee. Each top is always so catchy with the sayings they put on them. So everyone at the gym loves them. They are colorful and eye catching. Comfort is perfect because they are cotton and not too tight. Although the only place you can buy them is online here, it is well worth your investment. Since they are a smaller company, they usually do clothing drops 1-2/month so you have to keep an eye out on drop dates. Buy them fast before they sell out! 2) Lululemon is by far my favorite gear for more Pilates/Yoga wear. I like them better than Lucy or Lorna Jane. Simply because of the quality. I bought a plain black pair of yoga pants about five years ago and still wear them constantly to this day. They last so long without looking worn out. They also offer many different sizes besides just the usual S/M/L. So regarding their tops, I love all their tops. They have padding inserts so you feel more supported and covered up. My favorite style is the No Limits tanks pictured above. I have three of them actually! It has a built-in sports bra with a flowy feel. You can find these tops and much more from Lululemon here. Now let's move on to my favorite workout bottoms...  
B2C bottoms
3) NIKE PRO has my all time favorite workout bottoms. Their capri core compression leggings and bootyshorts are amaaaaazing! They are a staple in my wardrobe. I like them because they are sweat-proof, comfortable, stretchy, and sleek looking. They also have an elastic waist band that can be rolled down easily if you want them to ride lower on your hips. Affordability: definitely! The capris are usually around $45 and the shorts around $25-30. Everyone has GOT to have a basic plain black workout capri, right?! You can find them here. Or they also sell them at most sports stores like Sports Authority and Sports Chalet. And
lastly, take a look at my favorite shoes...  
B2C shoes
4) NIKE makes my favorite workout shoes. I sound like a walking Nike advertiser. But honestly, they are the best. As physical therapist, I urge you to spend the money on a good pair of workout shoes. Without the comfort and support of a good pair of shoes, you are much more likely to injure yourself (especially if you are a runner). Regarding colors, my favorite workout shoes are always black. Why?? Because they always look brand new! They don't show scuffs and dirt like most other white or lighter colored shoes. So you can find some cute Nikes here. Or at your local sports store or mall. 

Thanks for reading my guest blog! I hope you enjoyed it and gained some quick tips about shopping for workout gear. For more health & fitness tips, feel free to checkout my blog at Stay beautiful!! And remember, healthy is happy! God Bless :)
xo, Stephanie