
Friday, September 6, 2013

The sexy shoulders and bye bye back fat workout!

So, I am taking a little vacation with my hubby for the weekend and it will be my first time away from my little one overnight.  I hope that I do okay!  I know I am going to miss her like crazy, but I am looking forward to some time with my hubs!  I will let you know all about my trip when we get back.  I will say that I worked out extra hard this week because I know I will indulge a little this weekend, and I will be taking Friday and Sunday off.  My plan, as of now, is to workout Saturday morning in the gym at the hotel (they have a sweet one I checked) then enjoy a massage on Sunday morning!  As far as eating goes, I am going to pack some healthy snacks and eat salads when I can and then allow myself one really good dinner!  I know we are going to be doing a ton of walking so that will help burn some extra calories too!

Okay, its time for your sexy shoulders and bye bye back fat workout!  I did this one yesterday and let me say shoulder presses with 20 lb dumbbells are no joke!  I was able to get 12 in, but that was my max.  I love the progress I am making though and that is motivation to keep me going.  Try out this workout and let me know what you think!

Sexy Shoulders and bye bye back fat workout:

Circuit #1- repeat circuit 3x through before moving on to next circuit
Bent over wide dumbbell row- 10 lbs 15 reps
upright shoulder raises- 15 lbs 15 reps
db cross punches- 10 lbs 20 reps (10 each side)
bicycle crunches- 40 reps or until failure

Circuit #2- repeat circuit 3x through before moving on to next circuit
Plank with dumbbell row- 10 lbs 20 reps (10 each side)
standing shoulder presses- 20 lbs 12 reps
extended side plank with rotation- 10 each side
45 second jumping jacks

Circuit #3- repeat circuit 3x through before moving on to next circuit
Resistance band rows (or machine rows at gym)- 45 lbs 15 reps
Upright row- 20 lbs 12-15 reps
Front to lateral raises- 8 lbs 15 reps
scissor abs- 30 reps

Now that your shoulders and back are on fire go make a protein shake!
Happy Friday!!! Let me know what you think about this workout, I'd love to hear from you!